Sunday, February 6, 2022

Jackass Forever Review

Who is the audience for "Jackass Forever," the fourth theatrical film in a franchise where people get hit in the groin, blown out of a cannon, bit by several animals like spiders and snakes, as well as various other stunts played purely for the sick joy by the groups lucky onlookers. "Lucky" as in, they are not the ones going to get hurt.

The best part was the opening, a riff on classic "Godzilla" movies, only its only part of a man in a rubber suit. You can guess what part that is. The rest of the acts range from half-clever wordplay to things only the drunkest, dumbest fratboys would do. Only they have a reported ten million dollar budget to realize their soused ambitions.

Fans of the series have a lot to like here, where the "sets" are indistinguishable from previous pictures save only by the grey hairs on the veteran cast and the quality of the cameras used in filming. What am I supposed to say here? This time the kick to the nuts was better than the last one? Please, I have my dignity.

I squirmed anytime someone took a knock to the privates, and looked away from the screen whenever vomit was on display. But at about halfway through, I think I noticed the appeal of these "Jackass" films: comradery. There is an overwhelming sense that everyone involved is really a family by now, from actors like Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O (and yes, even, uh, the guy known as "Poopies"), from the director, cameramen, everyone. Got a stun gun to the neck? Expect a hug once you pick yourself up. Even the meanest things they do to each other are done out of love. (Just in time for Valentine's day too.)

What's perhaps more interesting was the drama releasing "Forever," where former Jackass Bam Margera was dropped due to substance abuse and somehow more. Then a quick Google search shows PETA's investigation into alleged animal abuse. I dunno, I thought the people were most abused.

I'm beating around the bush and giving "Jackass Forever" two and a half stars, because it sets its sights low and hits its target dead-on. Shame, the target was potty humor.

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